Supporting Member of Amazing Books
per item
Independent bookstores such as Amazing Books are cultural cornerstones that make neighborhoods more livable and loveable.
For just $1.00 a week ($52.00 a year), you can become a supporting member of Amazing Books.
Your membership entitles you to 10% off of all purchases at the store, (even on new books, greeting cards, stationery, or special orders) and 5% more on top of whatever other sales may be happening, such as our "Buy any 3 or more used books, and get 10% off" special. (You'd get 15% off when you bought three or more books.)
Additionally you'll get 10% off on the purchase of Gift Certificates for Amazing Books. This means you can give great gifts to the book-lovers in your life for less.
As an independent local small bookstore we need and value your support and regular patronage.
(When you place your order, please indicate your name and address or the name and address of the person you've purchased the membership for in the optional "note to seller" space provided. Within three to four weeks, we'll send you or the recipient a membership card in the mail. You won't however need to possess the card to use it at our stores, though and can begin using your discount immediately. We'll keep members on file.)
For just $1.00 a week ($52.00 a year), you can become a supporting member of Amazing Books.
Your membership entitles you to 10% off of all purchases at the store, (even on new books, greeting cards, stationery, or special orders) and 5% more on top of whatever other sales may be happening, such as our "Buy any 3 or more used books, and get 10% off" special. (You'd get 15% off when you bought three or more books.)
Additionally you'll get 10% off on the purchase of Gift Certificates for Amazing Books. This means you can give great gifts to the book-lovers in your life for less.
As an independent local small bookstore we need and value your support and regular patronage.
(When you place your order, please indicate your name and address or the name and address of the person you've purchased the membership for in the optional "note to seller" space provided. Within three to four weeks, we'll send you or the recipient a membership card in the mail. You won't however need to possess the card to use it at our stores, though and can begin using your discount immediately. We'll keep members on file.)